Thursday, 22 June 2017

2017 Mid year Catchup

Hey Guys!
Vanilla Here.

So.. I have gone missing from my log for about 6 months. And I do understand that there may be a bit of confusion of what had happened to me.

Well, I do want to firstly clarify that I am in my education years now. 2017 is a crucial year for me to concentrate and to make sure my examinations are well written. I am very glad for the support I have been given and I am proud to say that I have now added my official blog page on facebook and instagram! So do check it out and follow!

I will put up a blog post or two for this year but do not expect it to be of regular timings. But once my examinations finish (in November) I will be posting more often on all my social media platforms. SO do stay tuned and keep your ice cream cones dripping!!

Snapchat: @itsmevanilla
Instagram:  @vanilliandynamicss [please show love and follow!]
Wattpad:    @itsmevanilla